《 Finger-Art 》   yuuka YAMADA, artist-painter

Discovery of joy, Develop one's sensibility

My name is Yuuka YAMADA, Japanese artist-painter,living in Paris,specialized in “Finger-Art” for 20 years.

When I am engaged in “Finger-Art” painting,I always feel very free,as if I were conversing with my 《 Finger-Art 》 works,and came to gradually develop my atyle of 《 Finger-Art 》.

I think the “Finger-Art”is considered to be a very good means of discovering the pleasure of painting for young children. It is also a good exercise for adult and elder people. 《 Finger-Art 》 is thns accesaed easily and enjoyed by everyone.

It is not necessary to be concerned with “good paint” to “realize abeautiful picture”. Just feel the joy and the feeling of freely paint with 《 Finger-Art 》. This is whatis most important.

Although,we live in the great technological development age with “degital” technique, I consider it very important for the young generation to foster cultural and artistic sensibility with “analoque” way.

Based on my experiences in 《 Finger-Art 》,I started to hold workshops of “Finger-Art” painting in Japan. The programme includes 《 Finger-Art 》 practice and mini-French language lesson as cultural exchange. They were always a big sucess and appreciated by many people,young and old.

Now, I am thinking of organizing workshops of 《 Finger-Art 》 with mini-lessons of the Japanese language in France and other countries in Europe to promoto mutual miderstanding and cultual exchange. I also wonder if I comed plan a cultual event where children of different nationalities and backgrounds get together and produce one single 《 Finger-Art 》 painting work under a certain theme,such as world peace.

When I was little I wanted to become a painter,and today I am as an artist-painter. Being an artist-painter,I often ask myself; “What is my mission,What is my destiny to be born as an artist-painter ?”. My answer today is to share the pleasure of 《 Finger-Art 》 painting with as many people as possible is producing and diffusing 《 Finger-Art 》.

artist-painter Yuuka YAMADA https://yuukayamada-art-leciel-sky.com/